Be Healthy For Life is the name of this article platform.
And, the name is significant; a great deal of consideration went into this.
The name means this:
We should try being healthy so that we can have the energy and wellness necessary to lead a meaningful and productive life, feeling in the moment as we experience each day.
When we don’t feel our best, our lives suffer the consequences.
How can someone with pain and a headache function at their best? Can you have the same kind of focus?
It’s not a possibility.
Our own focus is on evidence-based health and wellness.
What does that mean exactly?
OK; there’s a lot of information out there.
We focus on the research and studies.
It’s really that simple.
However, we also leave the platform as a space where Health Care Professionals and health and wellness authors can express their own ideas and feelings, and share their experiences.
It’s alright to theorize; just recognize a hypothesis when you see one and then go and test it, if you want to have your theories given more weight.
Of course, building on the work of others is the best way to proceed, but trailblazers often veer into uncharted territory.
We have articles on many topics.
We do have quite a few articles specifically focusing on Therapeutic Massage. And, Pregnancy and the Postnatal phase of a woman’s life.
Why is this? Some of our writers focus on this topic.
However, we also have articles about general health and Orthomolecular Medicine.
So, check out the articles and leave a comment, if you choose.