What Are The Most Important Considerations Postpartum As An LMT and LC?

The Most Important Postpartum Considerations

The Top Two Most Essential Postpartum Goals

It’s really not that difficult getting this one right.

As a Lactation Professional and Perinatal LMT, I can say for sure that we have two definitive goals:

1. Assist the mother in her recovery, making sure she is well-cared-for, in terms of her body, mind, and emotions, getting sufficient sleep, proper nutrition, and time and space to reintegrate after the experience of pregnancy and childbirth.

2. Assist the dyad with breastfeeding, so that the newborn can receive proper nutrition from breast-milk, an irreplaceable source of nutrients and naturally-occurring compounds unique to human milk, aiming for exclusive breastfeeding when possible.

Of course, that’s just a summary of what’s involved. A more detailed explanation will appear in an article that follows this one.

What Are Some More Specific Considerations In the Postnatal Period?

The new Mother needs sleep. And, not just a little bit.

But with breastfeeding every few hours, sleep may be scarce at first.

That’s why it’s always good to become familiar with breastfeeding early on by seeking out help from a Certified  Lactation Professional.

You don’t want to waste time trying to get the latch right when your baby needs nutrition and you could use every minute sleeping that you can find.


Don’t Become Dehydrated As A New Mom!

Drinking plenty of fluids also helps with recovery for the new mother.

Dehydration is to be avoided because the condition can hinder milk production right at a time when we want production to ramp up quickly.

Remember: Breast Milk is mostly water!


New Moms’ Health Is Crucial

Many families also prepare special traditional postpartum foods and special snacks for the new mother.

The mother’s physical health is the key consideration, as she’s just been through the stress of either a vaginal birth or a surgical C-section, a well as nine months of pregnancy.

Postpartum Massage can help. A woman’s physical health can be addressed with Therapeutic Massage during the Postnatal phase.

A new mother’s emotional and Spiritual well-being are also important.

Postnatal Therapeutic Massage can help with this, too.


The Extended Family Helps Out During the Postnatal Time

The infant must be cared for, and that’s where the family comes in.

Thankfully, in New Jersey, we have paid leave for fathers.

But the help shouldn’t end with the efforts of the Dad; everyone should get involved, from the postpartum patient’s parents, to her siblings and cousins.

I do mean everyone.

The new Mother must maintain proper hygiene, especially in the perineal area after a vaginal delivery. This helps prevent infection and encourages proper healing.

At first, pain management through Postnatal Massage will be essential.

As the weeks wear on, the new Mom will want to shift back to exercising and getting back into her usual routine, and In-Home Postnatal Massage at that time is more for relaxation and helping to get back into a routine.



A Practitioner Providing Postpartum Massage in NJ

Good morning, afternoon, or evening! I work as a Prenatal and Postnatal Massage Therapist in New Jersey. My articles are my own opinion and are written from my point-of-view as a perinatal LMT, and an individual person with her own understanding, educational background, and interests. I hope that you enjoy my Postnatal-Focused Articles. Thank you.

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